Coolidge Short Range Transit Plan

The City of Coolidge is developing a Short-Range Transit Plan (SRTP) that will investigate the potential to update the existing transit services managed by the City. The Cotton Express and the Central Arizona Regional Transit (CART) services currently connect several communities throughout Pinal County, including Coolidge, Casa Grande, and Florence. These transit services provide residents with mobility to work, medical appointments, social gatherings, and schools. Cotton Express currently operates two fixed- route bus lines on weekdays, as well as on-demand service that provides curb-to-curb service across Coolidge. CART service provides long-distance, regional connectivity from Coolidge to Casa Grande and Florence, operating every weekday. In recent years, travel pattern changes and growth have highlighted a need to evaluate and optimize the existing service to effectively respond to the public’s mobility needs.
Outcomes of the SRTP will:
• Recommend short-term, implementable service refinements
• Adjust processes to make the systems more user-friendly and cost-effective
• Establish future expansion areas
• Quantify financial needs to serve future expansion
The public and stakeholder engagement process is seeking input to inform plan development and identify consensus on service alternatives and infrastructure investments. The public is invited to view the proposed service alternatives and provide their comments on the project’s interactive map and survey available at:

Engagement window closes on February 7th!

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351 N. Arizona Blvd., Coolidge Arizona 85128